Introduction to key thinkers and theoretical debates
The second session dives deeper into decolonisation by exploring some of its key thinkers and concepts. These will be connected throughout time: from their time of origin to their continuous presence and relevance today.
Required Readings:
- Bhambra, G. K. (2014). Postcolonial and decolonial dialogues. Postcolonial studies, 17(2), 115-121. Accompanying video here.
- Fanon, F. (1963). The Wretched of the Earth, preface by Jean-Paul Sartre.
- Edward Said’s Framed: The Politics of Stereotypes in News.
Further Readings:
- Spivak, G.C. (1988). ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ in Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg (eds), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
- Bhabha, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
- Cesaire, A. (2000). Discourse on Colonialism. Monthly Review Press.
- Said, E. (1979). Orientalism, New York: Vintage Books.
- Said, E. (1993). Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books.
- Mbembe, A. (2003). Necropolitics. Public Culture, 15(1), 11-40.
- Tuhiwai Smith, L. (1999). Decolonising methodologies: research and indigenous peoples. Bloomsbury.
- Fanon, F. (1967). Black skin, white masks. Pluto Press.
- Mignolo and Walsh, eds. (2018). On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Practice. Duke University Press. Students should focus on the introduction.